To date, decision makers have traditionally relied on civil engineers than architects. We need Landscape architects, ecologists, urban planners and many other expertise to design public spaces. Hence, serious gaps remain in understanding and reinventing public spaces.

We are exploring the complex socio-political processes and the impact of developments on people. The unplanned urbanization continues in Nepal, disrupting and fragmenting cultural, social, and environmental values. Thus, our role is also to advise local authorities, and organize community engagement programs to foster reflective, and cohesive effort.

We are transiting on a new urban era, and it is about time to work collaboratively to overcome the challenges without shortcuts. We need to advance our understanding of socio-ecological processes then adopt progressive principal, standard and evidence-based guidelines for urban design. In terms of exemplars, it is hard to compare with other cities of developed countries because our systems and situations are often unlike. Due to varied circumstances we are cautious in implementing ideas that may or not be, viable in our context.

Cities act as a living laboratory for the conduct of research and theories development of the urban ecology. We are doing case studies of other built spaces and taking initiatives for evidence generating designs with range of progressive measures. Our intention is to come with integrated design in achieving a just transition. It means democratizing public spaces, while addressing the need of communities and making it sustainable to prepare for the disruptions ahead. Vriksha exists to foster knowledge and implementation of urban ecology by connecting our research, strategies, learning and practices with policy makers and all who are interested to learn more about the socio-ecological challenges.

Highlight of Guidelines and Ethics Discussions