The Network of Green Spaces IV

The Network of Green Spaces IV


A foundation brick was laid on Sept 19, 2020 for the construction of four Public Parks. Completion of these four urban parks are scheduled within 5 months of construction period. The status is near completion.


A small plot across the street will be revamped through this project “A city’s Green Necklace”. Two soft mounds will be laid to upon removing the existing iron bars and walls with improved connectivity and sight-lines. Patterned brick paving’s between the mounds allows both the pedestrian walkways and the water to find its natural course. The bending curves with custom curb enhance the periphery and provide places to sit or individuals and small groups. The passageway links to another path that marks the smooth transition of small green spaces in a tight urban site The planting bed edged with low and mounting boundaries are filled with a mix of perennials grasses and ground covers.

Glimpse of Work