The Network of Green Spaces III

The Network of Green Spaces III


A foundation brick was laid on Sept 19, 2020 for the construction of four Public Parks. Completion of these four urban parks are scheduled within 5 months of construction period. The status is near completion.


This parcel of land was a park made almost 15 years ago . It did not do well due to short term planning, many other public spaces have failed like this. The basic infrastructure are dented in the park; the locals doesn’t feel invited. We designed this space without the need for a vast infrastructure and minimum force construction. The existing mature trees on site conceals the rectilinear concrete and unpleasant view. People prefers to sit beneath those trees with wide canopies.

Native grasses, perennials, play area, walk, relaxation and observation are organized to meet the needs of older and younger people. We’re trying to create a place where people can share time and space and ideas and coexist in harmony with the other species. Abrupt developments within the unban zones alters the interspecific interactions and trophic exchanges. Species such as frog’s bees, dragon flies that keeps the pockets of biodiversity in an around the cities are disappearing. This park provides a much-needed swathe of green for public and support biodiversity to some extent.

Glimpse of Work