The Network of Green Spaces II

The Network of Green Spaces II


A foundation brick was laid on Sept 19, 2020 for the construction of four Public Parks. Completion of these four urban parks are scheduled within 5 months of construction period. The status is near completion.

The project rejuvenates the site previously occupied by vegetable mart. The detrimental outcomes of urbanization have overstressed and interrupted the natural areas.


Discontinuity or small patches makes it tough for pollinators as they need to return to their nest several times a day carrying pollen and nectar. Their chances of survival are difficult in the cities dominated by hardscape. Anthropocentric land use policy is unsustainable.

Therefore, ecological principles is one of our top priorities in landscape design. This space would act as green transit, in which the plant and tree groupings function as a unity, with canopy awnings line down the street, bushy understory, meadow, and ground covers. Brick paving on certain areas permits percolation. Diverse trees will be planted on both sides Exciting visual guidance and light and shadow effects evolve because of the open space and tree shapes. A sculptural form of a planting bed stoles and merge with the floor whilst its varied height creates ample soil depth for plantation. Its edges allow informal seating. Flagstones on contemporary seating blends with height, texture, rhythm, and vibrancy of the green elements. People will find themselves within the diversity of walkable, lovable, and equitable spaces for all. The project hopes to attract residents, visitors, and soothe the city stress.

A permanent art installation with functionality is integrated into the site. Temporary public arts, from lighting installations to sculptural elements will be realized over time.

Glimpse of Work