Greenifying – River & Airport Corridor

Greenifying – River & Airport Corridor


A foundation brick was laid on Sept 19, 2020 for the construction of four Public Parks. Completion of these four urban parks are scheduled within 5 months of construction period. The status is near completion.

The project rejuvenates the site previously occupied by vegetable mart. The detrimental outcomes of urbanization have overstressed and interrupted the natural areas.


The project situates in a previously built park that has been locked and unmanaged for a long time. The fences and locked gates will be cut to make it accessible. The project sculpts a serpentine path that begins as a gradient ramp and runs across the landscape. Footpaths when repaired are transformed into stone meadows.


The circulating path provides pleasant loops while strolling in and around the foliage. This place is filled with scattered metal benches, broken lights. Those superseded designs will be refashioned, introducing new paths, amenities and refuge.

It continues and links with other parks.

Glimpse of Work