Opening quote

We strive to be innovative, pragmatic , responsible and lead with ecology-first principles.

- MILAN RAI , Founder / Social Practice Artist

How We Operate

Vriksha Foundation takes a multidisciplinary approach powered by community participation thereby creating outcomes which are inclusive and beneficial for everyone. It is an open platform for everyone to become a force of good and make things happen.

We are committed to the creation of artful and regenerative sustainable landscape designs that unites people, aesthetics and ecology.
By creating and linking individual green spaces; we impact policies, disciplines, hearts and minds to work together for ecological restoration in a city wide scale.

How We Operate

Our Approach

We interact actively with enquiring minds and climate minded people who are keen to re-think, un-learn, re-learn and care about the complex socio-political, environmental and multi-faceted issues surrounding it.

We care not only for personal welfare but also for the benefit of another species. We take multidisciplinary, indigenous, regenerative and sustainable approach for the co-production of knowledge and insights. One person/discipline cannot make sense of complex situations.

Our Approach

Our Spirit

We sustain and succeed today, because of the contribution of all the individuals. Every such individual who have gifted their time, skills and efforts without expectation of personal gain, are part of #TeamVriksha.

We pooled volunteers who supported us at a critical stage of growth. Even in an under-resourced circumstances the expert human resources stepped in providing a pro bono services to give back, and get connected to organizations that can help them impart their skills and solutions into challenged areas.
At the intersection of the challenges to be met, the volunteering spirit helped us to sustain to achieve our mission. Also, the connections made in the process have bloomed – and continue to freshen – the spirit of those involved.

Our Spirit